So, it's been pretty much FOREVER since I last updated. In fact, I haven't updated since my London/Paris/Rome adventures.
Well, to catch you up, the day after I came home I went to a freaking JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE concert with Monica. It was only...INCREDIBLE! It was so good, the production was amazing...and the day I went was the day they were filming his concert for the HBO special. Our original seats were crappy, like...for real 2nd row from the very back. We scoped some seats up closer to the stage, so we went down a level and sat there. We were so afraid we would get caught, and I felt like we almost did like a thousand times. Whatever, we jumped up $150 worth of seats, so our view was amazing. Basically, it was one of the best concerts I have EVER been to. And, Justin told me I was his best friend!
Also, while home back in the lovely Princeton, New Jersey, I went back to work. It was so refreshing and wonderful to be back at work. I have missed it so so much! It gives me the most joy in the world to work with these kids.
Another big night for me was August 28th, because I had 4th row seats to Hilary Duff at Radio City Music Hall (where I too have performed before, my latin dance ow ow). I went with one of my best friends, Adele. Before going to the concert, we walked passed RCMH, and met her dancers and they were really nice. Anyway, this was definitely a smaller venue than Justin Timberlake, but the producation and everything was still INCREDIBLE. Plus, it's Hilary Duff AKA my Number 1. Better than LiLo (Lindsay Lohan), BS (Britney Spears), and the list goes on. The second song she sang was my favorite, "Getaway". She also had the BEST dance to her new song, "Dignity". I absolutely adored it! I Love Hilary. The End.
I flew back to Utah at the end of August, and started school on September 4th. And to my surprise, who was just hanging out (in rehab) only 10 minutes from where I live? Lindsay Lohan. Okay, so basically post-"Freaky Friday", I've only had the WORST luck with LiLo. IE: New Years (one of the worst days of my lifeeee). Anyway, I've also had the WORST luck out here. IE: I was shopping at the SAME store at the SAME time she was there...I probably walked passed her and didn't even realize it...Stupid Sean. Also, my friend invited me to go out for sushi one night at Happy Sumo, and I said I had too much homework so we should go another time...well who was there that night? LILO! frustrating. Not to mention all my friends have seen her too...ANYWAY.
My Dad came out to see me one weekend in mid September. We had a really great time. We went to a Princeton 1st Ward get together/reunion for veteran Princeton members. We also took a walk up near Bridal Falls. It was great.
Then, my family also came out in the beginning of October to visit during General Conference. The weather was crappy, but we didn't let that stop us! We had the best time EVER! It was so much fun! We went to Saturday Morning, Priesthood, and Sunday Morning Sessions. They were all really wonderful. One lovely little experience was when my Mom, Krista, and I broke into a shut down mall so that we could cut across to Temple Square. Lovely. Saturday afternoon, we drove down to Provo, so I could show my family the actual "Healing At Bethesda" painting. Then, Sunday Morning, my Mom and I were running late, so when we got to the Conference Center, they weren't letting anyone else in. We told them that Dad was inside saving us seats and one guy said, "Well he wont be holding them much longer." Grr...well then we talked to someone else, and they said "You need to find someone with a red badge." Okay. So, my mom asked someone for a red badge person, and I swear it was like code. All the sudden everyone was like, "This lady needs a red badge," "Get her a red badge." Then, we got let in and all was well again. Also, it's a good thing we got in on time on Sunday, because the Mo Tab sang my favorite song, "A Child's Prayer".
Other than those special events, I've just been going to classes (ELANG 223, ENGL 251, GEOL 101, CPSE 400, REL C 130, and REL A 211), volunteering at a school for children with autism on Monday and Wednesday mornings, hanging out with class friends, London friends, and of course Olive Garden friends.
That was just a nice little catch up.
'Till next time...
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